Building Hope, Extending Compassion
Read some Quotes from Supporters:
"I enclose a small check to support this creative way of communication with young children in Iraq. There is much good that our military in doing in Iraq which never gets reported in the Press. I am pleased to be a small part of this project."

- Dr. Helen Allan Archibald
"Thank you for the wonderful GOOD you are doing! I am so happy to have read the article in the Sunday newspaper. FINALLY something I can DO!

- Barbara, North Carolina
"Some people make a difference. You and your son are definitely making the world a better place. What an inspiration. Congratulations on the simple ..but not so simple idea to cross the gap of distrust and foreign with a universally appealing tool a puppet.. I will be sending a donation to your excellent cause.

- Kathleen Jacobs, Puppeteer
"Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful article. It shows us that kids are pretty much the same all over the world. Your son is bringing a bright spot to those kids that they will remember.

- Jody Wren, Puppeteers of America - Georgia
"I saw your story in the Washington Post. I was in Baqubah for 2 years as a defense contractor. I appreciate the program you are doing, the kids need the help.

- Don

Read Responses From Children

Read Sponsor Mission Statement from Gale Warshawsky

This section contains Hi-Res Logos and
Photos to use for Press / Articles.

Logos  I   Photos  I   Video  I   Audio

1 SG Bruce Reges with
Iraqi Girl


Female Soldier with
Iraqi Boy


Lt Col amuses children in
market with a finger puppet

Soldier with
Teddy Bear Puppet

Soldier with
Iraqi Children

Iraqi Children receive puppets

Peace Through Puppets
You Tube Video

Peace Through Puppets TV Interview
You Tube Video

Peace Through Puppets Simple Gifts
You Tube Video

Tribute to the Soldiers
of FOB Warhorse
You Tube Video

Peaceful Ambassadors
You Tube Video
Recent Interview from November 2008
with Bruce by Mark Keeler

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